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Criminal Record Expungement

Our attorneys can help you overcome the burden of past convictions and get your record cleared so you can move forward with confidence. A record of conviction can leave a stain on your public record that impacts your livelihood in a number of ways.
Have you been refused employment? Faced with the loss of your professional license? Had your rental application denied? Been turned away from a school or denied financial aid because of a criminal record?
There is hope! Our attorneys have the experience and knowledge needed to get your conviction set aside and your records cleared so that you may move forward without the heavy burden of your past.

We provide the following forms of Post-Conviction Relief:

Our experienced attorneys have successfully cleared and sealed records for our clients in all of the following:

top view over career guidance items for judges

Testimonials – We get results for our clients

"I highly recommend Deanna to anyone facing criminal charges. She is very experienced, reliable, responsive, and committed. I couldn't be happier with the end result."
Jeff N.
"For anyone looking for a straight shooter for an attorney, Mr. Lopas is definitely worth the hire."
"Deanna is the real deal and I would recommend her to anyone who is in need of a great defense attorney."
Kristina S.

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