drug crimes
If you have been arrested or charged with a drug crime, you need an experienced and aggressive attorney to fight your case. When it comes to drug charges, Lopas Law Group, LLP has the knowledge and expertise to provide the drug crime defense you need and deserve.
We have a proven record of success in drug crime defense in all of the following areas:
- Possession (any amount)
- Possession with the intent to distribute
- Possession for sale
- Drug manufacturing /distribution/ trafficking
- Marijuana possession and cultivation
- Prescription drug crimes
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
- Driving under the influence of drugs
California’s drug laws are far-reaching and complex. Many carry serious consequences, including State Prison time. We know how to negotiate aggressively with key players AND how to fight your case at Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Property/Theft Crimes
Have you been charged with a property crime like vandalism or accused of a crime involving theft? We can help!
When it comes to property crime or theft charges, our attorneys at Lopas Law Group, LLP have defended thousands of clients just like you and can provide the property or theft crime defense you need and deserve.
We have a proven record of success in property and theft crime defense in all of the following areas:
- Vandalism
- Trespassing
- Shoplifting
- Petty theft
- Grand theft
- Grand theft auto/vehicle theft
- Burglary
- Carjacking
- Robbery
- Mugging
- Fraud
- Embezzlement
- Receiving stolen property
Whether you have been charged with a minor charge of shoplifting or are facing prosecution for an aggravated robbery, you need an experienced and trusted attorney to protect you from the serious consequences of a conviction. If you are facing prosecution for any of the above charges, you risk the loss of employment and even the loss/denial of vital wage-earning licenses or certifications.
At Lopas Law Group, LLP, we have the knowledge and experience to protect your rights and future. We know how to negotiate aggressively with key players AND how to fight your case at Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Facing a DUI charge in San Diego? You need a passionate and persistent San Diego DUI defense attorney on your side. DUI convictions in California carry heavy fines, license suspensions, and even jail or prison time.
At Lopas Law Group, LLP, we have more than 30 years of combined experience in Criminal DUI Defense. We have defended clients in every type of DUI offense and understand how to battle the government’s case at every stage. Whether you are charged with a first DUI offense, worried about license suspension, or involved in the most serious vehicular manslaughter due to alcohol or drugs, we know how to challenge tests and fight violations of your constitutional rights.
We have a proven record of success, including DUI dismissals, significantly reduced penalties, and Not Guilty verdicts at trial. Let us help you fight any of the following:
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and subsequent DUI arrests and charges
- Felony DUI
- Underage DUI
- DUI causing injury
- DUI causing death (vehicle manslaughter)
We know how to negotiate aggressively with key players AND how to fight your case at Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Domestic Violence
If you have been arrested or charged with domestic violence, you need a San Diego Domestic Violence defense attorney IMMEDIATELY by your side. Domestic violence matters can quickly become “one-sided,” and when defending against an allegation of abuse, your reputation, freedom, and self-respect are on the line.
Don’t let the system defeat you; hire an experienced, aggressive, and highly skilled attorney to fight your case. The attorneys at Lopas Law Group, LLP have many years of experience defending domestic violence cases. As knowledgeable domestic violence defense attorneys, we can advocate for dismissal, contest restraining orders, and fight for your vindication at Jury Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Assault and Battery
Assault and battery charges can be serious and lead to life-long consequences, in addition to jail or a long prison term. If you or a loved one is accused of assault or battery, the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney is imperative to avoid the stigma and detriments of a felony conviction.
At Lopas Law Group, LLP, we have a proven record of success in assault and battery crime defense in each of the following:
- Misdemeanor Assault/Battery
- Felony Assault/Battery
- Assault likely to cause great bodily injury
- Assault causing great bodily injury
- Assault with a dangerous/deadly weapon
- Assault with a firearm
California’s Assault and Battery laws are far-reaching and complex. Many can subject you to State Prison time and label you with a strike offense. We know how to negotiate aggressively with key players AND how to fight your case at Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Sexual Misconduct
In California, the penalties for sexual misconduct are harsh and long-lasting. Being accused of sexual misconduct can be confusing and frightening.
At Lopas Law Group, LLP, we have two decades of criminal law experience and a track record for passionately advocating for our clients’ rights. We have a proven record of success in sex crime defense in all of the following areas:
- Indecent Exposure
- Lewd Acts with a Child
- Rape
- Sexual Abuse of a Minor
- Sexual Assault
- Solicitation
- Statutory Rape
- Date Rape
- Failure to Register as a Sex Offender (290 Registration)
One of the most serious aspects of a sex crime conviction is the mandatory requirement of sex offender registration, which can impact a defendant for a lifetime! Sex offender registration can impact every area of your livelihood, including where you can live, work, go to school, enjoy recreational activities, and even the manner in which you can interact with your own child’s education. If required to register, even for a misdemeanor offense, you could be listed on a public sex offender registry for everyone—colleagues, friends, and neighbors alike—to see.
Sexual misconduct/sex crimes defense should never be left to chance and requires a highly skilled and experienced attorney to aggressively and relentlessly fight for your rights. At Lopas Law Group, LLP, we have the knowledge and expertise to protect your rights and future. We know how to negotiate aggressively with key players AND how to fight your case at Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Weapon Offenses
If you are charged with any offense involving a weapon, our lawyers are experienced and qualified to help. In California, allegations of illegal weapon possession are vigorously prosecuted, and the penalties imposed can be severe. Charges of this nature range from the simple possession of knives and brass knuckles to the use of firearms and assault weapons.
A conviction for a weapons offense can result in a felony, potential jail or prison time, as well as the loss of your legal right to possess a firearm. At Lopas Law Group, LLP, we have a proven record of success defending weapons offenses in all of the following:
- Illegal weapon possession
- Carrying a concealed weapon
- Possession of a weapon by a convicted felon
- Possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony
- Use of a firearm during the commission of a felony
- Assault with a deadly/dangerous weapon
- Assault with a firearm
If you are facing charges for a weapons offense, do not delay in getting an experienced weapons defense attorney on your side. We know how to negotiate aggressively with key players AND how to fight your case at Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Gang Crime
If you are charged with a crime and determined to be a member of the gang, the prosecution will seek a gang enhancement to elevate your potential punishment. The penalties for “participating in a gang” or for engaging in conduct “for the benefit of” a gang are harsh and often charged based on unreliable or slim evidence. Anyone facing the potential of such charges or enhancements needs an aggressive attorney well-versed in California gang defense.
At Lopas Law Group, LLP, we have over 30 years of shared experience defending clients charged with gang crime and enhancements and a proven track record of success in each of the following:
- Participation in a criminal street gang
- Commission of a crime for the benefit of a gang
- All crimes with charged gang enhancements include shooting at an occupied dwelling, use of a firearm during the commission of a crime, drug crime, vandalism, assault/battery, etc.
The simple fact that you are charged with a gang crime/enhancement does not mean a conviction is imminent. There are a number of defenses available, and we know how to use them. Our gang defense attorneys know how to negotiate aggressively with key players AND how to fight your case at Trial.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Strike Offenses
California’s “3 strikes” sentencing scheme is one of the harshest penalty structures in the United States. It is responsible for incarcerating thousands of men and women currently serving time in state prisons.
Many, following the mantra of “3 strikes and you’re out,” believe the harsh penalties are reserved for only the most egregious offenders. However, California’s strike law is far-reaching, and the impact of just one strike is still poorly understood by many.
Did you know if you have a juvenile petition sustained for robbery, you can be treated as a second striker later as an adult? Are you aware that in San Diego County, if you have one prior strike conviction and are later arrested for a non-violent, non-serious felony, your bail will automatically be increased by $75,000?
As experienced criminal defenders, we know the long-term impact a strike conviction or juvenile adjudication holds and seek to vigorously fight against these crimes, often saving our clients years of grief and stigma.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Being charged with the death of another is one of the most serious and life-altering experiences one can have. No matter the circumstances, your case is likely fraught with assumptions, speculation, and judgment. We understand the seriousness of your case and know how essential it is to retain an experienced homicide defense attorney who will immediately advocate on your behalf.
If you are charged with manslaughter or murder, you need a top-rated, compassionate, and well-respected attorney to mount an aggressive defense. Our attorneys have defended both adults and children charged with criminal homicide and have saved the lives of numerous clients facing life in prison.
We know how to defend against all of the following successfully:
- Murder (1st degree, 2nd degree)
- Attempted Murder
- Felony Murder
- Voluntary Manslaughter
- Involuntary Manslaughter
- Vehicular Manslaughter
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Traffic Citations
Whether our client is charged with an infraction or a misdemeanor traffic offense, our attorneys are prepared to fight for a reduction in the penalty or to litigate the case at trial, as the need may be.
Having practiced in the traffic and misdemeanor courts for over three decades combined, our attorneys are well-versed in how to present your case to achieve the best outcome. We routinely handle the following traffic violations:
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Suspended license
- Driving without a license
- Failure to Appear
- DUI (alcohol or drugs)
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Probation Violations
In California, probation violations can mean immediate incarceration and the imposition of significant penalties. Many people facing probation revocation are surprised to learn that the District Attorney or Judge is pushing for a prison commitment. Even children may be subject to probation violations that result in being locked up or otherwise removed from the home.
There are ways to fight against “technical” violations as well as allegations charging the commission of a new crime. Our attorneys have extensive experience fighting probation violations via motions and contested hearings and litigating unlawful terms and conditions of probation.
Having served as the Assistant Public Defender charged with handling all matters before the Sacramento Probation Violation Court for a period of two years, Attorney Matthew Lopas has a unique perspective on the array of issues and defenses available for the myriad of probation violations that may arise. Matthew Lopas and Deanna Lopas also handle probation issues, which may demand litigation on appeal.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
290 Registration
One of the most serious penalties for a sex crime conviction is the Penal Code Section 290 requirement to register as a sex offender. For many, registration proves to be a more substantial burden than the case that triggered the requirement to register or even the resulting time spent in jail or prison for the offense. This is because sex offender registration can impact every area of one’s life and can last a lifetime.
Registration can severely limit where a person will live, work, go to school, enjoy recreational activities, and even the manner in which one interacts with their own family and friends. To the surprise of many, even children in the juvenile delinquency system may be required to register as sex offenders.
At Lopas Law Group, LLP, our attorneys have defended hundreds of sex crimes cases and successfully saved numerous clients from lifetime 290 registration. If you or someone you know is facing the consequence of registration, hoping to reduce the number of years required to register, or facing a criminal charge or violation of probation/parole for failure to register, we can help! Do not let the consequences of PC 290 go unchecked.
To learn more about how Lopas Law Group, LLP can immediately begin to defend you, contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
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- (619) 450-1650
- Mon-Sat: 8am-6pm

Testimonials – We get results for our clients
"I highly recommend Deanna to anyone facing criminal charges. She is very experienced, reliable, responsive, and committed. I couldn't be happier with the end result."

Jeff N.
"For anyone looking for a straight shooter for an attorney, Mr. Lopas is definitely worth the hire."

"Deanna is the real deal and I would recommend her to anyone who is in need of a great defense attorney."

Kristina S.
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